Powerbuilding the new trend in the fitness industry!!!

So what is power building? power building is the combination of bodybuilding and  powerlifting which is gaining massive popularity amongst teens and the age group of 18-24 it has grown rapidly because of social media and since then this sport didn't look back.  Powerlifting exercises aim to develop strength in the major muscles of the body while bodybuilding focuses more on developing muscle size and symmetry. With bodybuilding, the focus is less on strength and heavy weights, and more on building muscle mass with lighter weights and high reps.  Why is power building used in Sweat's BUILD program?  The special program is designed for women who are serious about lifting - whether you’re new to this training style or already incorporating weight lifting into your routine.   The program focuses on lifting performance with the aim to improve your 1rm (or “one-rep max”) over time.   For many women, power-building is a way to feel good, strong, and accomplished. It’s all about celeb

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The challenge !!!

If you are still reading this then we got something for you if you complete this challenge and tag us on the social media platform provided below you will be able to get free goodies as the prize!!!

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