Powerbuilding the new trend in the fitness industry!!!

So what is power building? power building is the combination of bodybuilding and  powerlifting which is gaining massive popularity amongst teens and the age group of 18-24 it has grown rapidly because of social media and since then this sport didn't look back.  Powerlifting exercises aim to develop strength in the major muscles of the body while bodybuilding focuses more on developing muscle size and symmetry. With bodybuilding, the focus is less on strength and heavy weights, and more on building muscle mass with lighter weights and high reps.  Why is power building used in Sweat's BUILD program?  The special program is designed for women who are serious about lifting - whether you’re new to this training style or already incorporating weight lifting into your routine.   The program focuses on lifting performance with the aim to improve your 1rm (or “one-rep max”) over time.   For many women, power-building is a way to feel good, strong, and accomplished. It’s all about celeb

Cardiovascular health the ultimate engine oil of life!!!


Cardiovascular health the ultimate engine oil of life!!!

What Is Cardiovascular Fitness?

Before you can answer the question, "why is cardiovascular fitness important?", you need to understand the meaning of cardiovascular fitness. Cardiovascular fitness is often called aerobic exercise. There are two factors that distinguish cardiovascular fitness from other types of exercise.

  • Cardiovascular fitness enhances the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen-rich blood to the working muscles.
  • Cardiovascular fitness enhances the muscle's ability to use this oxygen to supply adequate energy for movement.

What Activities Enhance Cardiovascular Fitness?

Aerobic exercise can enhance cardiovascular fitness. The words aerobic exercise define any type of rhythmic, continuous activity that involves the simultaneous use of multiple large muscle groups. Aerobic activities challenge the heart and lungs, thereby causing them to work harder than at rest. When performing cardiovascular fitness activities, your pulse must be in a target heart range, which is usually calculated by subtracting your age from the number 220 and then calculating 60 to 85 percent of that number. Examples of aerobic exercises include:

  • Running or jogging
  • Brisk walking
  • Cycling
  • Swimming
  • Aerobic dance
  • Cross-country skiing
  • Snowshoeing

Why Is Cardiovascular Fitness Important?

The primary importance of cardiovascular fitness becomes evident when you look at its definition. Any type of activity that will supply oxygen to the muscles will increase energy levels as well as make your body more functional and efficient. This is just one of the many benefits of cardiovascular fitness.

Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss

Despite the many false claims about spot reduction, the only way to get a smaller stomach and slimmer thighs is to reduce the intake of dietary fat and burn excess fat through aerobic exercise. Keep in mind that it takes a reduction of 3500 calories to lose one pound of body fat. This might explain why the American College of Sports Medicine recently updated their guidelines for aerobic activity. They now suggest that 30 minutes to one-hour activity of cardiovascular activity be performed on most days of the week. Fortunately, your body continues to burn calories at an accelerated pace for up to two hours after aerobic activity.

Effects of Aerobic Exercise

You can raise your level of cardiovascular endurance by doing exercises that increase your heart and breathing rates, or aerobic exercise. According to many experts, aerobic exercise is the most important part of physical fitness. To achieve cardiovascular endurance, you should exercise aerobically 30 minutes per day, 3 to 7 days per week.

When you do aerobic exercise, your body responds in the following ways:

  • Your heart pumps more efficiently.
  • Your lungs work better.
  • Your blood volume and delivery system are improved.
  • Your resting heart rate is lowered.
  • Your heart pumps out more blood.
  • Your muscles get stronger.
  • Your ligaments, tendons, and bones get stronger.
  • Your body is more able to use fat as an energy source. 


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